Major Changes in Armor Attack
Hey everyone,
Back in April, we kicked off our Beta in Mexico and introduced a progression system and improved gameplay balance. Since then, we’ve carefully listened to every piece of feedback, expanded testing to more regions, and released a new update every month to quickly test our hypothesis. Now, we’ve gathered enough data and insights to make the right changes and deliver a game that stands out from most in the genre.
Here’s what we need to do:
- Rework the gameplay balance from the ground up again.
- Make abilities more impactful and game-changing.
- Ensure unit and weapon upgrades are clearer, more impactful, and easier to unlock.
- Develop a quest system that guides players through mastering Armor Attack in a completely straightforward way.
- Transform factions from having a layer of complexity into a journey that unlocks new playstyles, motivations, and tactics.
Now, regarding balance:
Our initial goal for units and weapons was to make them outstanding, impactful, and effective at every stage of the game. While some units and weapons achieved this, there were too few of them. Despite our efforts to improve others through balance updates over the months, we’ve concluded that another rework is necessary. Some mechanics were too complex to work well at lower upgrade levels, while others were too simple to be effective at higher levels, or their impact was too predictable. In other words, we either end up with a weapon or unit that is overpowered and disrupts balance, or underpowered and seldom used.
So, we’ve decided to break down each unit and weapon mechanic into 2-3 components. These components will either be added through upgrades (for mechanics that are difficult to adapt) or receive new qualities. For example, the Suppressor has a complex mechanic with acceleration while shooting, which can be great for experienced players but frustrating for newcomers. We’ll remove this mechanic initially and reintroduce it later as an upgrade. On the other hand, the Autocannon is relatively simple in terms of shooting, and no amount of damage increase can fix its limitations effectively. However, significant Ammo upgrades can make it work differently and more effectively.
We aim to significantly increase the time-to-kill component, as it’s a fundamental aspect of shooting in our genre. Our component system is essential for this. Remember how the old Geyzer and Acrid were with their straightforward yet deadly kill mechanics? We want to prevent this from happening again, so having high HP for every unit is crucial because it provides us with more room to experiment and balance effectively.
What’s the plan for upgrades?
With upgrades, we strive to support our new gameplay balance. We’re focusing on the quality of upgrades rather than the quantity, ensuring each upgrade feels powerful. As a result, we’ve optimized the number of upgrades available for each unit and weapon, making each one more impactful. Previously, you might not have noticed significant changes after an upgrade. Now, you definitely will. For example, units used to see only minor improvements in speed and HP, with similar perks. Moving forward, you’ll experience new mechanics, such as shooting through shields with the Architect or increased turret shot speed and damage with the Sentry. Additionally, passive effects from perks will be much stronger, making their impact more noticeable.
The token system has been completely redesigned. We understand the frustration of keeping track of various token types, figuring out what each icon represents, and waiting to collect enough tokens to complete your upgrades. Now, there will be faction-based tokens, organized by unit and weapon classes. This reduces the total from 25 tokens to just 6. Instead of focusing on token collection, you can now enjoy experimenting with different unit and weapon combinations!
What’s the plan for abilities?
Abilities are crucial in Armor Attack, but previously you might have only thought about them when pressing the Ability Activation button. We’ve decided that abilities should be integrated into your gameplay journey so you can master them step-by-step, which is more effective for learning. From now on, each ability will have upgrades that enhance its core components or add new features. For example, Jager’s upgrades will focus on increasing speed, extending the ability’s duration, and adding more charges. Meanwhile, the Architect can be upgraded to shoot through walls and place an additional wall, or the Creeper can gain AoE damage on landing. We hope these changes will keep abilities top of mind!
What’s the update on quests?
Quests are the main source of progress in our game and act as a guide in your in-game journey. Just like a compass, they should clearly point you towards your future achievements. We’ve heard your feedback and agree that our previous system was too complicated. Here’s what’s changing:
We’ll introduce main quest lines to help you learn the game, achieve major goals, and earn valuable rewards.
Daily and Weekly quests will be optimized for your everyday routine.
We believe that focusing on fewer types of quests and providing a clearer tracking system will make it easier for you to complete tasks and improve your gameplay.
As for the upcoming faction changes, we’ll provide more details when the time is right.
What do you need to know?
To implement these changes, we needed to completely remove the old quest and upgrade systems and rework some gameplay balance components from the ground up. This means we can’t preserve your upgrades and unit/weapon setups exactly as they were.
We have the capability to adjust your account in the new system, but it’s not morally right for us to do so. Instead, we’ll recalculate all your earned tokens and silver for the new system and return them, allowing you to use them however you choose.
Your rank, leagues, gold, and Armor Prime status will remain unaffected by these changes.